IT Concepts

Unit of electromotive force that causes current to flow in a circuit. One volt is the amount required to send one ampere of current through a circuit with one ohm of resistance.
Abbreviated as W, a watt is a unit of electrical power equaling the product of amperage and voltage, and represents the amount of power a device requires to operate. Common measurements are kilowatt (1,000 watts), megawatt (1 million watts), microwatt (.000001 watt), and milliwatt (.001 watt).
An electronic component consisting of a complete path; a voltage source and a load. 
  1. Short for Integrated Circuit or Integrated Chip, an IC was first developed in 1958 by Jack Kilby and Robert Noyce and is a package containing many circuits, pathways, transistors, and other electronic components all working together to perform a particular function or a series of functions. Integrated circuits are the building blocks of computer hardware.
  2. In Role playing games, IC is short for In-Character. IC is used to describe a player that is playing and acting out the role in the game and not talking about things not related to the game or the era of the game.
  3. In chat rooms, IC is shorthand for I see. May also be abbreviated as OIC, which is short for Oh I See.
Also known as I2L or I square L, IIL is short for Integrated Injection Logic and is a circuit design that uses bipolar transistors, is relatively fast and utilizes little power.
1.   Short for Alternating Current, AC is an electrical current that reverses or alternates its direction of flow. On May 1, 1988, Nikola Tesla patented the rotating field motor and later sold the rights to George Westinghouse. This invention helped create and transmit AC power, and today is still the method for generating and distributing AC power.

AC power has many advantages over DC including the ability in transmitting power easily and effectively and allows for basic electric devices to be made easily.

A normal wall outlet in the United States is 110
volts transmitting currents at 60 hertz per second. European power systems use 220 volts alternating current at 50 Hz.
2.    Short for Anonymous Coward, AC is commonly used in message boards and newsgroups for users who do not wish to divulge their identity.
3.    Short for Asheron's Call, AC is a name of a MMORPG developed by Microsoft.
Short for Advanced Configuration & Power Interface, ACPI defines a flexible and abstract hardware interface that provides a standard way to integrate power management features throughout a PC system, including hardware, operating system and application software. This enables the system to automatically turn peripherals on and off, such as CD-ROMs, network cards, hard disk drives, and printers, as well as consumer devices connected to the PC such as VCRs, televisions, telephones, and stereos. With this technology, peripherals can also activate the PC. For example, inserting a tape into a VCR can turn on the PC, which could then activate a large-screen television and high-fidelity sound system.
If when booting Windows 98 you get a red or blue screen with an ACPI error code the RED screen indicates that the problem is probably related to a hardware or BIOS problem. BLUE screens indicate that the problem is probably related to software or is an obscure problem.
  1. Short for Automatic Voltage Regulator, AVR is a hardware device used to maintain a specific voltage to electronic devices. 
  2. Short for Automatic Voice Recognition, AVR is the ability of a computer or other electronic device to detect and understand human voice.
  3. Short for Automatic Voice Response, AVR is a computer generated or pre-recorded response activated on command.
Sometimes abbreviated as b, a bit is short for Binary digIT and is a single unit of information that can have a value of either ON or OFF.
When attempting to determine the amount of colors in a bit color depth, this can be calculated by: 2 to the power of the bit color. In other words, an 8-bit color would be 2^8 = 256 colors.
Byte is data equal to either 7/8 bits depending if it needs error correction (parity).  A byte is spelled as byte and not bite.

Abbreviated as amp, amperes is the unit of measurement for electrical current in coulombs (6.25 * 1018 electrons) per second. One ampere is the result of a circuit with one ohm resistance and one volt is being applied.

  1. Type of measurement that is one 10-billionth (0.0000000001) of a meter, 0.01 of a millimicron, 0.0001 of a micron, 0.0000001 millimeter and 0.000000004 of an inch.
  2. Information about the computer company Angstrom Microsystems can be found here
International standard of length measurement that is approximately 39.37 inches. Below is a listing of each of the types of meters and its equivalents.
  • One meter is equal to 39.3700787 inches.
  • One centimeter (cm, prefix of centi-) is equal to 0.393700787 inches.
  • One kilometer (km, prefix of kilo-) is equal to 0.621371192 miles.
  • One millimeter (mm, prefix of milli-) is equal to 0.0393700787 inches.
  • One nanometer is equal to 0.001 micrometers.