Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a digital photo editing software. Photoshop is Bitmap (Raster) based graphic. It is Resolution depended software.
To open Photoshop
Start >programs >Adobe Photoshop or
Start >run – type Photoshop
Appears Photoshop interface
To create a new document:-
file >new (Ctrl+N) or
Press Ctrl Key and double click on a blank area
Appears a new window
Type the name of the document
Select the required preset (e.g. A4,800*600 or default Photoshop size)
Define document height and width
Select the units(in,mm,cm etc)
Define image resolution (eg72,300 etc)
Choose required color mode e.g. RGB,CMYK GRAYSCALE etc)
White- New document with white background color
Transparent – New document with no fill color
Click on ok button
To open an image:-
File >open (Ctrl+O) or
Double click on the blank area
Select an image
Click on ok.
To duplicate an image:-
Select an image
Image >duplicate
Type image name and click on ok
Close original image
Work space:-
To reset palette location
Window >workspace >reset palette location
To cerate a new work space:-
Place tools, palette at required place
Window>workspace >save workspace
Type workspace name (e.g. abc) ok
To load workspace:-
Window >workspace >select the workspace name e.g. abc
Tools let you to edit, paint, select, and fill an image.
Document size:-
Shows the document size of the selected image
Document Profile:-
Shows the document profile of selected image (e.g. RGB,CMYK)
Document Dimension:
Shows the document dimensions of selected image e.g. (8*11 inches)
Scratch size:-
Shows the efficiency (as you work) e.g. 100%,98% etc
Shows the name of selected tool e.g. (lasso tool, move tool, brush tool etc)
To zoom In /Out:-
Select an image
View >zoom in (Ctrl+ -)
zoom out (Ctrl+ +)
fit on screen (Ctrl+0)
Actual pixel (Ctrl+Alt+0) print size
Use magnify tool (Z) to zoom in /out
Click to zoom in and press Alt and click to zoom out
To move document use hand tool(H) or
Use space bar when you are using other tool
Marquee tool:-
Rectangular marquee tool (M):-
Rectangular marquee tool lets you to select an image rectangle /square shape
Open an image
Click on rectangle marquee tool
Click and drag over an image use Alt+shift key
Press space bar to move the selection
Normal selection
Add to selection (use shift key) you can add more then one selection
Subtract from selection (use alt key)
You can subtract the over lapped selection.
Intersect from Selection:-
Removes the non overlapped selection
It lets you to blurs the edges of an image (0-250)
Normal – Normal selection.
Fixed Aspect Ratio:-
It makes a selection according to defined width and height
Fixed size:-
It makes a selection according to defined width and height in units
e.g width = 1''
Height = 1''
To move selection:-
Make a selection
Click on new selection from the option bar
Cursor will changed to this icon
Click and drag at required place
Elliptical marquee tool (m):-
This tool lets you to make a circular or oval shaped selection
Click on this tool
Click and drag over an image
Use (Alt+Shift key ) for the perfect shape
To place an image into the new document:-
Create a new document (Ctrl+N)
Open an image (Ctrl+O)
Make a marquee selection over an image
Click on move tool (V)
Click and drag selected image into new document.
Move tool (V):-
Move tool lets you to move the selection or layer ,guide line.etc
Pattern stamp tool:- (S)
This tool lets you to paint with the selected pattern
Create new document (Ctrl+N)
Click on pattern stamp tool (s)
Select the required brush
Select the blending mod (e.g. normal ,softlight,overlay
Define opacity and flow
Click and drag on to the document
To create a new pattern:-
Open an image
Make a selection with rectangle marquee tool (feather -0)
You can create a new pattern with rectangular selection only
Edit >define pattern
Type the pattern name
click on ok
You can paint the pattern with pattern stamp tool fill with paint bucket tool
Pattern Maker:-
Open an image.
Filter >pattern maker(ctrl +Alt+Shift+X)
Make a rectangular marquee selection e.g.
Click on Generate button
To generate new pattern
Click on generate again button
You can define pattern width height
Select the pattern offset (horizontal or Vertical)
To show tile boundary click on tile boundary on
Click on next pattern, previous pattern
Click on
Type the pattern name
Click on ok button
Click on cancel button of pattern maker window
Fill the pattern
Pattern Frame:-
Open an image create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift +N)
Click on pattern stamp tool
Select the required pattern from option bar
Paint the selected pattern
Make a rectangular marquee selection
Press delete key from the key board
Healing tool (J):-
This tool is used to repair imperfect infected images
Open an image (imperfect)
Click on healing tool
Press Alt key and sample the required color pixel
Click and drag on to infected color pixel of an image.
Source:-= repair on with sampled color pixel
Pattern: - Repair on with selected pattern.
Patch Tool (J):-
This tool is also used to repair imperfect /infected images
Open an image
Make a selection (use, Shift +Alt key to subtract, add intersect the selection)
Select the required option
Patch source from destination
Patch destination from source
Click and drag the selected place of an image.
Gradient tool (G):-
Gradient tool lets you to fill multimode color.
Click on gradient tool
Select the required gradient preset
Types of gradient:-
Liner Gradient
Radial Gradient
Angle Gradient
Reflect Gradient
Normal Select the required blending mode.
Opacity :-100% Opaque
Less than 100% Transparent
Reverse – on :- Reverse the selected gradient
Dither – on :- Dither to reduce blending
Transparency – on :- To make a gradient transparent
note:- (First select the transparent gradient) click and drag (Press Shift key )
Making a Snooker Ball:-
Create a new document (Ctrl+N)
Create a new layer Ctrl+Shift+N)
Make a perfect circular selection (Press Alt +Shift key)
Select the foreground color white and background color Red.
Gradient type Radial Reverse – on
Click and drag from the middle of the circle.
To create a new Gradient:-
Click on gradient tool
C lick on
Edit gradient (on the option bar)
Appears gradient window
Click to add color stop
Click on the color stop
Select the required color
To remove the color stop click and drag out side the bar
To make a Transparent Gradient:-
Open Gradient Editor window
Opacity stop
Select opacity stop
Define the opacity
Click on New button to all
Click on ok
Check on the transparency –on.
Click and drag.
Making a Citrate:-
New document
New layer
Type the layer name e.g. (stick)
Make the rectangular marquee selection
Click on Gradient tool
Edit Gradient
E.g. black, white black.
Press Shift key click and drag
Click and drag
Click on rectangular marquee tool
Make a filter in a new layer.
Change the blending mode e.g. multiply
Click on brush tool load calligraphic brush
Select the light yellow color as a foreground
Click on the filter
Select layer blending mod – multiply.
Paint Bucket tool (G):-
Paint bucket lets you to fill the selected Foreground color or pattern.
Foreground: - Fills the selected foreground color
Fills the selected pattern.
Stroke Command:-
This command is used to stroke a layer content or selection.
Select the layer (with content or make a selection (Ctrl+Enter)
Edit >Stroke
Define stroke width
Select stroke color
Inside: - Strokes inside the layer content / selection.
Center: - Strokes at the center of the layer content / Selection
Outside: - Strokes outsides the layer content / Selection
Preserve Transparency:-
Stroke only in layer Content (No stroke in transparent area
Making Sky with the stars:-
Create a new document
Create new layer
Press D (default color black and white)
Edit >fill (alt+backspace) fills the foreground color.
again edit >fill background color (Ctrl+backspace)
Blending mode – Dissolve. Opacity 2-5
press ok
Erase tool (E):-
Erase tool lets you to erase the layer content
Select the required layer content
Click on erase tool
Define its options from the option bar.
click and drag to erase the layer content
Note: - You can't erase / delete the background layer, so convert the background layer into normal layer Double click on the background layer.
Magic Erase tool (E):-
Magic Erase tool lets you to erase the similar color pixel of an image
Open an image
Click on magic erase tool
Tolerance: - Define the range of color pixel to erase.
More value: - More range
Less value: - Less range
Anti - aliased On--- Smoothness
Contiguous On ---- Erase the contiguous pixel only within the area
Contiguous Off -----Erase the sample color (Click) pixel of whole image
Opacity ------ Define opacity
Click on to the required color pixel to erase.
Note: - Use this tool on the same background color only.
Back ground Erase tool:-
Background Erase tool lets you to erase the color .It convert the background layer into normal layer.
Open an image
Click on background erase tool
Sampling- Contiguous---- Erase all selected color pixel
Erase the first sampled (click) color pixel only
Background Swatch:-
Erase the selected background color.
Protect Foreground color if it is (on) It protects the fore ground color.
Define the range to erase more value less value less range.
Click and drag to erase the required color pixel.
Horizontal type text tool (T):-
This tool lets you to type the text horizontally
Click on this tool
Click on the document and type the text
Vertical type text tool:-
Vertical type text tool lets you to type the text vertically
Click on this tool
Click on the document
Type the text
On the option bar select the required font e.g. Arial, Impact, Times New Roman etc and select bold or italic.
Left alignment (Ctrl+Shift+L)
Center alignment (Ctrl+Shift+C)
Right alignment (Ctrl+shift+R)
Font color (double clicking on it to select the required font color.
Wrap Text (e.g. Flag, Arc etc)
Shortcut keys:-
Increasing font size ---- (Ctrl+Shift +>)
Decreasing font size------ (Ctrl+Shift+<)
Leading ----(Alt+up arrow )and (Alt +down arrow key)
Tracking – Alt+right arrow key and Alt +left arrow key
Horizontal /Vertical type mask tool:-
Horizontal/Vertical type mask tool lets you to type the text as the selection
Create new document (Ctrl+N)
Create a new layer (Ctrl+Shift+N)
Click on horizontal/Vertical type mask tool
Type the text
Press enter key from the number pad to apply the text
Now you can fill color, gradient, pattern in side the text
[Note*- You can't edit the text after applying ]
Image inside the text:-
Open an image
Create a new document
Select the image document
Type the text with horizontal/vertical type mask tool
Font – impact
Press enter key from the number pad to apply
Click on move tool(V)
Click and drag the selection into the new document
Edit >Stroke
Color- Black width –2
To raster the text:-
Type the text
Layer >rasterize >type or
Right click on the text layer
Click on rasterize
After rasterize you cannot edit the text
After rasterize the text you can fill ,erase apply filter effect etc
Blur tool (R)
Blur tool lets you to blur an image.
Open an image
Click on bluer tool
Define its option
Click and drag over an image where you want to blur
Sharpen tool ®
Sharpen tool lets you to sharpen an image (sharpen means to make image clear
Open an image
Define its option
Drag over an image.
Smudge tool:-
This tool lets you to drag the selected color pixel
Open an image
Click on smudge tool
Define its option
Click and drag over an image
Fair text effect:-
Type the text
Color- Red
Font – Impact
Layer >Rasterize >Type
Click on smudge tool
Choose brush no. 39
Click and drag up
Dodge tool Burn tool (o):-
Doge and burn tool is also known as focus tool. Dodge tool lets you to make an image lighten and Burn tool lets you to make an image dark.
Open an image
Click on dodge / burn tool
Range: - shadow >> Changes the darken area (black)
Milton >> Changes the middle Range of Gray (gray
Highlight: - Changes the lighten area. Click and drag over (light)
Open an image
Make half selection
Click on blur tool
Option – Range – Mid tones –Exposure -25%
Click and drag over an image
Sponge tool (o):-
Sponge tool lets you to change the saturate or de-saturate of an image
Open an image
Click on Sponge tool
Select mode:-
De-saturate > Decrease the color value.
Saturate > Increase the color value
Click and drag over an image
Open an image
Make a selection according to an image shape
Select >inverse (Ctrl+Shift + I )
Click on Sponge tool
Option:- mode >de-saturate
Flow > 100%
Click and drag over an image use bluer tool
Transformation commands lets you to scale rotate skew distort apply perspective flip. Select the required layer
Edit > transform
Appears boundary box around the layer content apply the transformation. Or
Define in option bar
Press enter key
Making a 3D BOX:-
Create a new layer
Make a rectangular marquee selection
Fill pattern
Edit >stroke width >1 Color >black ok
Edit transform >Skew
Define h-0 V > 25 in the option bar
Duplicate it (press alt key and drag)
Edit >transform >flip horizontal
Create a new layer
Make a marquee selection fill the pattern fill stroke
Edit >transform >distort
Click and drag the corner point to adjust
Reflection text effect:-
Type the text
Duplicate it (Press alt key and drag) Raster it
Edit >transform >perspective
Click and drag the corner point
Free transform:-
Select the required layer
Edit transform >free transform (Ctrl+T)
You can scale ,Rotate ,Skew apply Perspective ,distort the layer content
Press ctrl key and drag the corner point to distort the layer content
Press Ctrl+Alt +Shift key and drag the corner point to apply Perspective
Press Ctrl key and drag the out line to transform again.
Transform Selection:-
Make a selection
Select >transform selection
You can rotate,scale,skew,distort,apply perspective
Press ctrl key and drag the corner point to distort.
Press Ctrl+Alt+Shift key and drag the corner point to apply Perspective
Press Ctrl key and drag the selection boundary to skew.
To transform an image:-
Select the required image.
Image >rotate caves >180 degree > rotates an image 180 degree
90 degree cw > rotates 90degree cw (clock wise)
90 degree ccw > rotates 90degree ccw (Counter clockwise )
Arbitrary > define rotation value (15 degree ,25 degree etc )
Flip Horizontal and Flip vertical.
flip horizontal
Flip vertically.
To link the layer:-
Select the required layer
Click on the link box
Now you can move delete lock align merge the linked layer image –A ,B and C
To merge the layer:-
link the layer first
Layer >merge only the link layer.
Merge visible:-
Visible the required layer
Layer >merge visible (Ctrl+Shift+E)
(This command lets you to merge only the visible layer)
Merge down:-
This command merge the down layer of selected layer
Select the required layer
Layer >merge Down (Ctrl+E)
Flatten Image:-
This command merge all the visible layer and set as background layer .Hidden layer will be delete
Layer >flatten image.
Eye dropper tool ( I ):-
This tool lets you to sample the color pixel of an image.
Open an image
Click on eye dropper tool
Sample (click) the required color pixel
Sample color pixel will visible in the foreground color
Now you can paint the sample color pixel
Color Sample tool:-
This tool lets you to sample the four different color pixel of an image
Click on color sample tool
Sample (click) the four different color pixel
Appears Info Palette
(It shows the information of color cursor position width height etc)
Measure tool (I ):-
Measure tool lets you to measure the distance of an image
Click on measure tool
Click and drag over an image to measure
Shows information in option bar and in info palette
Vector tool:-
Pen tool:-
Pen tool lets you to draw straight /curvy Path.
Free form pen tool (P):-
This tool lets you to draw a path freely just click an drag on the art board.
Magnetic pen tool:-
This tool let you to snap the path at the edge of an image.
Click on free form pen tool
Click on from the option bar.
Click at required part of an image
Release a mouse
Move around the edge of an image.
Convert it into the selection joining the two points of path.
Add Anchor Point tool:-
This tool lets you to add the anchor points on the path Segment
Select the path with path selection tool (A)
Click on add anchor point tool
Click on the path segment to add anchor point
Remove anchor point tool:-
This tool lets you to remove the anchor point
Select the path
Click on remove anchor point tool
Click on the anchor point.
Convert anchor Point tool:-
This tool lets you to convert curvy path into corner and corner path into curvy path
Click on convert Anchor point tool
Click and drag the anchor point or click on anchor point.
To move the single handle:-
Select the anchor point with direct selection tool (A)
Click on convert anchor point tool
Click and drag the single handle
Path selection tool:-
This tool is used to select the more transform ,delete etc the path
Direct selection tool:-
This tool lets you to select the anchor point of a path.
Make a marquee selection with this tool
Press Shift key to select the multi path
To convert path into selection:-
Click on pen tool (P)
Create a new layer
Click on (path) from the option bar.
Draw a path
Window > path.
Press Enter key.
To stroke a path:-
Draw a path
Window >Path
Click on stroke path with brush
To fill the path:-
Draw a path
window >path
Click on fill path with foreground color
(This command fills the selected foreground color)
To convert selection into path:-
Make a selection
window >Path
Click on (make work path from selection )from the path palette.
This command convert selection into path)
Edit your path with vector tool
Again ,convert it into selection (Ctrl+Enter) and fill the color
To convert text into Path:-
Type the text
Layer >type >create work path
Appears path text
Delete the text
Create anew layer
Edit your path
Shape tool (U):-
Shape tool lets you to draw different object e.g. rectangle, line ,circle,Poligon etc
Click on Shape tool (u)
To create a new Custom Shape:-
Draw some thing with vector tool
Edit >Define Custom Shape
Type Shape name
Click on ok
Select the Shape from option bar of shape tool.
Wood design:-
New document
New layer (Cter+Shift+N)
Make a rectangle marquee selection
Fill brown color
Click on brush tool ( select 15 .No brush)
Click and drag over an wood
Click on doge tool ,Smudge tool
Edit >transform >Skew
Option bar:-
H = -60 V= 0
Create a new layer
make a rectangular selection
Fill brown color use burn ,dodge, Smudge tool
Again create a new layer
Make a rectangular from vector tool
Use direct selection tool and adjust it
Fill brown color use burn ,dodge, Smudge tool
To select the layer Content:-
Press Ctrl key and double click on the required layer
To duplicate the layer
Click and drag the layer to the create new layer button from the layer palate
To duplicate the layer content in the same layer:-
Make a selection (select the layer content)
Press Alt key and drag
Olympic Ring:-
Create a new layer
Make a perfect circular selection
Fill red color
Select >transform selection
Press Alt +Shift key and drag inside
Press enter key and press delete
Duplicate the layer Press Alt key and drag with move tool
Change the foreground color (Blue)
Edit >Fill (Shift +Backspace)
Use foreground color ( check on preserve transparency)
Press ok
Layer position:-
Press Ctrl key and double click on red ring layer to select
Select the blue ring layer
Click on erase tool and erase the red part
Page torn over effect:-
Open an image
Create a new document
Place an image on to the document
Create a new layer
Make a square selection
Fill gradient color
Black white black
Edit >Transform >Perspective
Draw a oval shape and delete the lower part
Delete the image in this shape
Adjust it
Color Range:-
This command lets you to make a selection of sampled color Pixel
Open an image
Select >Color Range
Sample (click) the required color pixel with eye dropper tool
To add /Subtract the sample color pixel use Add Sample subtract sample
Define Fuzziness to define selection range
More value --- more range
Less value----- Less Range
Making a border:-
Create a new document
Create a new layer
Make a rectangular marquee selection
Select >Modify >Border
width --- 16pixel > ok
Apply two or more than that
Fill color ,Gradient ,Pattern etc
Place an image
To expand and contract the selection:-
Make a selection
Select >Modify >Expand or Contract
Define Expand by or contract by
Text effect:-
Type the text with horizontal type mask tool (Font impact)
Fill red color
Select the layer (Ctrl and double click on the text layer)
Select >Modify >contract – ( 5-6)
Select >Feather (Ctrl+Alt+D)
Define feather radius e.g.( 3-5)
To save the selection:-
Make a rectangle marquee selection
Select >Save Selection
Type the selection Name
Click on ok
To load the Selection:-
First save the selection
Select the selection name
Click on ok
[Note* This is stored in the channel palette]
Layer Set:-
Layer Set is used to arrange your layer in systematic way
To create a new layer set
Layer >new >layer set or
Click on in the layer palette
Appears layer set in layer palette
Create new layer
To place layer into the layer set:-
Select the layer
Click and drag on to layer set
To change the layer Property:-
Double click on layer text
Rename the layer or
Layer >layer property
Type the layer name
Layer Style:-
Layer style lets you to apply drop shadow, inner /outer glow fill color, gradient, pattern etc.
Drop Shadow:-
It adds the shadow behind the layer contents.
Inner Shadow:-
It adds the shadow inside the layer contents.
Outer /Inner glow:-
It adds Outer/inner glow at the edge of the layer content.
Bevel and Emboss:-
Combination of lightness and darkness color and black and white.
Color Pattern, Gradient overlay:-
Fills the color, Pattern Gradient in layer Content.
This command lets you to stroke the layer content.
To create a new layer content:-
Select the layer (Filled layer)
Layer >Layer style >Drop shadow, inner shadow etc.
Making a chocklets:-
Create a new document
Create a new layer
make a rectangular marquee selection
Fill chocklet color
Layer >layer style >Bevel and Emboss
Define depth and size
Press ok
Type the text
Layer >layer style >Bevel and Emboss
Define depth and size
Press ok
Link chocklet and text layer
Layer >merge linked (Ctrl+E)
Press ctrl key & click on the layer (to select the layer content)
Edit >Define pattern
New Document (Ctrl+N)
New layer
Make a rectangular marquee selection
Fill Chocklet pattern (shift +backspace)
Text Effect:-
New document
New layer
Fill color any color
Type the text with same color
Layer >layer style >Drop shadow ,inner shadow outer /inner Glow ,Bevel and emboss
Glow Effect:-
Open an image
Make a selection according to it's shape
Layer >New >layer via copy (Ctrl+J)
This command place the selected image inn new layer at same position.
Layer >layer style >outer glow
Mode --- normal Color --- Any Color
Define size press ok
Shine Text effect:-
Type the text
Layer >layer style >stroke ( fill type > Gradient ----- size –2
Check on bevel and emboss
Style --- stroke Emboss
Gloss contour
Define depth and size
Check on drop shadow press ok
Create a new layer
Click on brush tool
Select the
Select the foreground color white.
Click on the required place of the text
Breaking text effect:-
Type the text
Layer >Layer style >pattern over lay
Select Rock type Pattern
Check on Bevel and Emboss
Define depth and size apply drop shadow ok
Layer >Rasterize >Type
Click on polygon lasso tool
Make a triangular selection
Press Ctrl key (to activate move tool)
Click and drag the selected part
Heart Shape:-
Click on custom Shape tool (U)
Select heart shape tool from option bat
Click on fill pixels
Layer >Layer style >inner glow
Blending mod multiply
Click on gradient
Edit the Gradient
Red- White
R- 85
G- 10
Size -20 Range -50
Check on bevel and Emboss
Depth > 200%
Size >35
Soften > 2 -5
Check on color over lay
Blending mod >Multiply
Color >Red
Opacity > 100%
Check on gradient overlay
Red White
R- 215
B- 215
Style > radial
Angle >115
Click on ok
Cartoon Character:-
Create New layer
Make a perfect circular selection
Fill yellow color
Layer >Layer style >Inner glow
Blend mod normal
Color black--- Opacity –40 -50%
Define Size click on ok
Create a new layer
Select >transform Selection (Ctrl+T)
Press Alt +Shift key and resize the selection
Select Foreground color –White
Click on Gradient tool (G)
Select the gradient color
White Transplant
Type – liner
Click and drag
Opacity 80-90%
Create a new layer (Eye)
Make a perfect circular selection
Fill – white color
Layer >Layer style >inner Glow
Blending mod > Normal
Color >black
Opacity >40%
Define Size
Same way you can make nose and mouth
To copy and past the layer Style:-
Select the layer Style
Layer >Layer style >Copy layer style
Select the layer content or link the layer
Layer >Layer Style >Past layer style or past layer style to linked
Clear Layer style --- Select the layer style layer
Layer >Layer Style >Clear layer Style.
Color Mod:-
R- ------ Red (0 -255)
G---------Green (0 -255)
B----------Blue (0 -255)
RGB Contain 24 bit (each channel Contains 8 Bit)
RGB Color mod is used in web page designing Multimedia, CD presentation but not for printing media. We can create 16.7 million colors with R.G.B.
C.M.Y.K Mod:-
C….. Cyan (Blue +Gray)
M……Magenta (Red +Blue)
Y…….Yellow (Red +Green)
C.M.Y.K Contains 32 bit it is also known as color separation and it is used for printing media.
Gray Scale:-
Black and White color it contains 8 bit.
This command lets you to adjust the tonal rang and color balance of an image.
Select an image or make a selection
Image >Adjustment levels (Ctrl+L)
Shadow: - It changes the black range
Mid-tons:- It changes the middle range Gray
Highlight:-It changes the white range
Select the required channel eg R.G.B Click and drag the Slider of shadow, Midtons and highlight.
Auto Levels, Contrast, Color:-
Image >Adjustment
Auto Levels,(Shift+Ctrl+L)
Auto contrast (Alt+Shift+L)
Auto Color (Shift+Ctrl+B)
These commands automatically adjust the levels, Contrast and color.
Select an image or make a selection
Image>adjustment >Curve (Ctrl+m)
Select the required Channel (eg RGB ,Red, Green, Blue)
Click and drag the curves
Click on ok.
Color Balance:-
This command lets you to adjust the color balance of an image
Select an image or make a selection
Image >Adjustment >Color balance
Click and drag the slider of required color e.g. RGB ,CMYK
Select the tone balance (Shadow, Midtons, Highlight)
Click on ok
Bright ness /Contrast:-
This Command Lets you to adjust the brightness and contrast of an image
Select an image or make a selection
Image > adjustment >Brightness contrast
Drag the slider of brightness and contrast to adjust it
Hue /Saturation:-
Select an image or make a selection
Image >Adjustment > Hue /Saturation (Ctrl+U)
Hue :-
Hue color reflect transmitted through an object
It is known as Chrome. It is a Strength and Purity of a color more value – Bright color Less value --- Less Color (-100) Black and white
Combination of lightness and dark ness
Fill same color .You can save and load hue setting (*.AHU)
Multi Color Image:-
Open an image add horizontal and vertical guide line
Make a rectangular marquee selection
Image >Adjustment Hue saturation (Ctrl+U)
Check on Colorize
Define Hue and Saturation
Same way we can change the color of eye .
De saturation:-
This command convert an image into black and white in same color mod
Select an image or make a selection
Image >Adjustment > De saturate ((Ctrl+ Shift+ U)
Replace color:-
This command lets you to replace the sample color pixel with hue saturation and light ness
Select an image
Image >Adjustment >Replace color
Sample the color pixel with eyedropper tool
Define Hue ,saturation, and lightness (HSL)
Define fuzziness to increase or decrease the color range of sample color pixel
You can save and load the replace setting (*.AXT)
Selective color:-
This command is used to adjust the color of an image .Use this command after converting into CMYK color mode
Select an image
Image >mod cmyk
Image >adjustment >selective color
Select the required color eg Red ,Yellow ,Black Define cmyk value .You can save and load the selective color setting (*.ASV)
Channel Mixer:-
This command lets you to mix the different channels e.g. CMYK RGB
Select an image
Image >Adjustment >channel mixer
Select the required channel ((out put channel)
Define source channel.
Check on monochrome (Black and white)
You can save and lode the channel mixer setting (*.CHA)
Press ok
Gradient map:-
This command lets you to map the selected gradient on image.
Select an image
Image >Adjustment >Gradient map
Select the required gradient for mapping ok
This command lets you to invert the color.
Select an image
Image >adjustment >invert (Ctrl+J)
This Command re-distribute the brightness
Image >adjustment >equalize.
This command convert color or black and white into high color contrast black and white
Select an image
Image >adjustment >Threshold.
Define threshold level.
Adjustment layer:-
Adjustment layer creates a new adjustment layer in layer palette.
To create a new adjustment layer:-
Select an image or make a selection
Layer >New adjustment layer > Select the required adjustment eg, levels, invert, curves etc.
New adjustment layer display in layer palette
To edit layer adjustment, double click on adjustment layer or select the adjustment layer.
Layer >layer content option
Define your own setting
To change layer adjustment:-
Select the adjustment layer
Layer > change layer content
Select the required adjustment
Layer mask:-
Open two different images
Create new document
Place both image (overlap ) in same document
Select topmost layer
Layer >add layer mask > reveal all
Select foreground color black background color white
Click on brush tool start panting
Black – Transparent
Gray – Sámi transparent
White - opaque
Color and Black /white effect:-
Open an image, duplicate the layer (Ctrl+J)
Image > adjustment >De saturate (Ctrl+Shift+U)
Layer >add layer mask >revel all or
Click on add layer mask button in layer palette
Press D default color
Click on brush tool
Start painting to erase press (X)
Making an ice cube:-
Create new document
Create new layer
Fill black color
Create new layer and make a square marquee selection
Fill light blue color
filter >bluer >motion bluer
Angle 45degree
Define your own distance
filter >Artistic >Plastic wrap
Background effect:-
Open an image
Make a selection according to the image shape ( Ctrl+Shift+I ) invert selection
Filter > noise > add noise. amount 50%
Distribution check on monochromatic
Filter > blur > motion blur angle -0 distance 999 press ok
Rain fall and lightening effect:-
Open an image
Create new layer (rain)
Fill black color
Filter >Noise >add noise
Amount -12
Distribution --- check on monochromatic ok
Image >adjustment >threshold (Define threshold level )
Image >rotate canvas 90 degree ccw
Filter >stylize >wind ok
Press Ctrl+F 2 or 3 times
Image > rotate canvas 90 cw
Blending mode --- Screen (It transparent true black color)
Filter >blur >Gaussian blur 0.5 or 1
Create new layer (lightening)
Press D default color
Filter >render clouds
Filter >render different clouds (Press Ctrl+I) invert
Press ctrl +L (levels)
Drag the middle slider to right side
Press Ctrl +U (Hue Saturation)
Check on colorize
H- 0 H - 200
S- 50 S - 50
L- 0 L -0
Blending mode screen
Click on erase tool remove the unwanted parts.
New document New layer
fill black color
Type the text (Color white)
Filter >Stylize > Wind
Press (Ctrl+f )
Define its depth and size.
Ice Text Effect:-
New document new layer
Fill color black
Type the text (color white)
Image rotate canvas 90 degree cw
Filter > stylize > wind
Press (ctrl+f) 2-3 times
Image >Rotate canvas >90 Degree ccw. e.g
Layer >layer style > Bevel and emboss
Define its depth and size.
Shine text effect:-
New document
Fill the color black
Type the text (color white)
Filter > distort >Polar co ordinates
Option check on Polar to Rectangular.
Image >Rotate canvas 90 degree cw
Filter >Stylize >wind ok
Press Ctrl+f 2-3 times
Image rotate canvas 90degree ccw
Filter >distort >Polar co ordinates
Option check on rectangular to polar
Adding fait effect
Image >mode >grayscale
Image >mode >index color
Image >mode >color table
Check on Black body >ok
Image > mode R.G.B
Rounded Text Effect:-
Type the text
Filter >distort >polar co ordinates
Options - check on Rectangular to Polar ok
Apply different layer style
Matrix text effect:-
Create a new document – New layer
Fill white color
Filter >texture >Grain (type – vertical
Intensity -100
Contrast -100
Foreground color –Green
Background color –black
Filter >Artistic >Neon Glow
Glow color > black
Filter >Stylize >Glowing Edges
Edge width -1
Edge brightness -7
Smoothness -1
Type text matrix color green
Duplicate the text
Filter >Blur >Motion blur
Angle -0 Define your own distance
Fog Effect:-
Open an image
Create a new layer
Press D (default color)
Filter >Render clouds
Blending mode screen ( Fog Effect)
Blending mode multiply (Smoke Effect)
Snow Fall Effect:-
Open an image
Create a new layer
Fill black color
Filter >Noise >add noise
Amount -12
Distribution check on Gaussian and monochromatic ok
Image >adjustment >threshold (define threshold levels
Filter >Sketch >half tone pattern
Pattern type – circle ok
Blending mode screen
Filter >blur >Gaussian blur
Sketch Effect:-
Open an image
Press (CTRL+SHIFT+U (de saturate)
Duplicate the layer
Press (Ctrl+I) (Inverse)
Blending mode color dodge or liner dodge
Filter >Blur >Gaussian Blur
Define radius
Note:- Ctrl+L --- bright Ctrl +U---- Color
Sketch Effect II:-
Open an image
Filter >Stylize >Find Edges
Edit >fade find Edges (Ctrl+Shift+F)
Mode- Luminosity
Opacity -35-50%
(This command lets you to transparent applied filter effect only)
Power Glass Effect:-
Open an image
Create a new layer
Make a perfect circular selection
fill gradient color drag from left to right type liner
Select >transform selection
Press Alt+Shift key and drag inside from the corner
Fill gradient color drag from right to left
Select >Transform selection again resize the circle inside
Fill gradient from left to right
Delete the small circle
New layer
Make a same size circle fill white color
Opacity 35 %
Design a handle
Make a rectangular selection
Fill gradient color
Black white black
Edit > transform >Perspective
Click and drag from the corner
Link all the power layer and merge it (Ctrl+E)
Now you can move the power glass
Zoom Effect:-
Open an image
Make a selection according to the image shape
Select >inverse Selection
Filter >blur >Radial blur
Blur method - Zoom Quality – Best
Define Blur – center (Click on center)
Press (Ctrl+F)
Ripple Text Effect:-
Create a new document
Type the text
Duplicate it
Edit >transform >flip vertical
Adjust it
Opacity –35%
Filter >distort >ripple
Amount 100%
Size –medium
Sencer Effect:-
Open an image
Make a selection (face area)
Filter >pixel ate >Mosaic (define cell size)
Making foot Ball:-
Click on polygon tool
Number of sides six
Click on fill pixels
Press D
Click and drag
Press Ctrl key on layer one to select the layer content
Arrange the polygon like
Make a circular selection from the center.
Filter >Distort >spherize ok
Press Ctrl +Shift+I
Press delete key
Press ctrl+Shift+I
Create new layer
Fill white color
Place layer 2 back to layer one
Merge layer one and layer two
Press ctrl +I
Create a new layer with selection
Press D
Click on gradient tool type –Radial
Click and drag from the center of the ball
Blending mode multiply
Merge layer 3 and 2
Making a cloud:-
Select foreground color –Light blue
Back ground color –white
Filter >render >clouds
Making capsule:-
Create a new layer
Make a rounded rectangular selection
Fill the color
Create new layer
Make a selection
Fill white color
Filter >blur >Gaussian blur
Select layer one (Rounded rectangle)
layer layer style >inner glow
Blending mode >normal
Color >black
Define size
Merge layer one and two
Make a half selection
Press Ctrl+U (hue Saturation)
Layer >layer style drop shadow
Lance Flare:-
Open an image
Filter >render >Lance flare
Select the lanseflare type
Define brightness and flare center (click at the required place to change the Position of lance flare)
Light scenery:-
Open an image (scenery)
Press ctrl+L
Drag middle slider to right side
Filter >Render >Lens flare
Lance type 105mm prime
Define flare center (click) ok
Press ctrl+F to increase the flare.
To change the lance flare color:-
Open an image
Create a new layer
Fill black color
Filter >render >Lance flare
Press Ctrl+U
Check on colorize
Define hue saturation value
New lance flare:-
Open an image
Create a new layer
Fill Black color
Filter >Artistic >Plastic wrap ok
Blending mode screen
Or Press Ctrl+F
Press Ctrl+U to change the color
Circuit design:-
Create a new document
Create new layer and press D
Filter >render >cloud
Filter >pixelate >mosaic
Filter >Stylize >Glowing edges
Edge width-5
Edge brightness -13
Smoothness -1
Press Ctrl+U
Check on colorize
H-100 S-50 L – 0 Press ok
3D Text:-
Type the text
Rasterize it
Press Ctrl+T
Press Ctrl +Shift and drag from the corner
Press Ctrl+J (Layer via-copy)
Change the Text color Red –Black
Select black text layer
Press Ctrl+J
Press up or down arrow
Water Effect:-
Create a new layer
Press D (Default color)
Filter >Render >Cloud
Filter >Sketch >Chrome
Press Ctrl+U
Check on colorize
H-200 S- 15 L- 0 (Blue color)
Press ok
Lighting Effect:-
Open an image
Filter >Render >Lighting effect
Select the required light
Define it's setting
Fire Effect:-
Open an image
Make a selection according to it's shape
Place into new document
Create new layer
Press D
Filter >Render >Cloud
Filter >Render lighting effect
Style -- Soft omni color yellow
Define other setting
Intensity-- Ambience etc
Duplicate it (Fire)
Place in between the fair layer
layer position
Fire Image Fire
Select top most layer
Click on erase tool
Brush type – soft ( Shift +[ )
Opacity 80%
Erase opacity 100%
Night Vision Effect:-
Open an Image
Filter >sketch >half tone Pattern
Pattern type – line ok
Filter>Render >lightening Effects
Style –Soft Omni
Color –Green
Create a new document
Create new layer
Fill black color
Filter >Noise >add noise
Amount 12 distribution – Gaussian
Check on monochromatic
Image >Adjustment >Threshold
Define threshold level
Create a new layer (Planet)
Press D
Filter >render >cloud
Filter >render >lightening effect
Setting – Style – soft omni Color – orange /Yellow
Texture channel –Red
Again Create a new layer
Fill black color
Filter render >Lens flare
Brightness -100% Flare center –Center
Lens type 50 – 300mm Zoom
Press Ctrl+U
Check on colorize
H- 200 S- 50 L- 0 Press ok
Blending mode screen
Glass Effect:-
Open an image
Filter >Distort >Glass
Select the texture
Click on load texture
Select Psd file
Click on ok
Diamond Text Effect:-
New document type the text
Color –white
Filter >Distort >Glass
Distortion -5-10
Smoothness -1
Texture –Tiny lens
Scaling -50-60%
Layer >Layer style >Stroke
Fill type gradient
Black white black or Orange yellow Orange
Size 2-3
Drop shadow
Bevel emboss
Style –Stroke Emboss
Gross Contour
Define depth and size ok
Create a new layer
Click on brush and select cross type brush
Select the fore ground color white
Click at the required place.
Making a wall:-
Create a new layer
Press D
Filter >Render >Clouds
Filter >texture >Texturize
Texture – Brick Light direction Top left Define Scaling
Press Ctrl+U
Check 0n colorize
H-25 S-50 L-0
Type the text (white color)
Layer >Layer style >blending option
Underlying layer
Press Alt key click and drag the slider
Open an image or select a blank layer
Filter > Render >3D transform
Click on cube sphere or Cylinder tool
Click and drag
Use pan camera tool (to move an object)
Track ball tool (For 3d rotation)
Click on option button
Define resolution – medium Anti –aliasing –low
Check on display background image
3D object:-
Create a new layer
Filter >Render >3D transform
Click on cube tool (M)
Click and drag
Click on track ball tool (Click and drag for the 3D rotation ok
Making a golf ball:-
Create a new layer
Filter >Render >3D transform
Click on sphere
Click and drag
Click on track ball tool click and drag.
Making a wine glass:-
Create a new layer
filter >Render >3D transform
Click on Cylinder tool
click and drag
click on pen tool
Add anchor point on the right side at out line of the selected object
Eye design:-
Create a new Document
create a new layer
Draw a perfect circular selection
Fill white color
Layer >Layer style >Inner glow
Blending mode normal
Color –black
Define Size and opacity press ok
Create a new layer
Press Ctrl and click on layer one
Select >Transform Selection
Press alt +Shift key click and drag inside
Fill Black color (Do not deselect the selection)
Filter >Noise >Add noise amount – 60-90 %
Check on monochromatic press ok
Filter blur radial blur blur method >Zoom Amount -50% press ok
Press Ctrl + U
Check on colorize H-200 S- 50 L-0
Create a new layer
Scale down the selection
fill black color
Create new layer
Make a small circle in side the black circle fill white color
Making a burning cigarette:-
Create a new layer
Make a rectangular marquee selection
fill gradient color
Create a new layer
Subtract the selection
fill the filter color (Blending mode multiply)
Click on brush tool
load Calligraphic Brush
Select \ type brush
Select the fore ground color light yellow
click on the required part of the filter eg
Create a new layer
Make a rectangular marquee selection
fill black color
filter> noise >add noise amount 90 % Check on Gaussian and monochromatic
Press ok
Ctrl +u check on colorize H -360 S -100 L –10 Blending mode – multiply
Click on polygon lasso tool
select the burning part and delete it
Create a new layer (smoke)
Click on rectangular marquee tool
Feather 10 pixel
Make a selection (Click and drag)
Fill white color
Filter >Liquefy (Ctrl+Shift+X)
Click on wrap tool (W) Click and drag to make a smoke shape
Press ok
Filter >Blur >Gaussian Blur
Click on text tool
Font windings
click on the document
Press Shift +N (Dander symbol
color white
Remove the cross bone part
Filter >blur>Gaussian blur
Adjust it
type the text no smoking
Back ground Design:-
Create new document new layer
Make a circular selection
Press (Q) {Edit in quick mask mode)
Filter >Distort >Glass
Smoothness- 1 Texture – Tiny lens Scaling 100
Press ok
Press Q (Stander mode)
Fill color.
Frame Design:-
Open an image
Create a new layer
Make a rectangular selection
subtract the selection
press Q (quick mask mode)
Filter >Distort >Glass
Press Q (Standard mode)
Fill color
Layer >layer style >Bevel and emboss , droop shadow etc
Scratch Effect:-
Open an image (close up)
Create a new layer
Draw a path
Click on brush tool size – 4
Foreground color R- 150 G- 0 B- 0
Right click with path selection tool
stroke the path
tool> brush
check on Simulate Pressure
Layer >Layer style >outer glow
Blending mode >Normal
Color R-150 G- 0 B-0
Define spared and size
Contour -
Create a new layer
Click on brush tool Size -1 Blending mode –color burn opacity 35 %
Back ground Design:-
Create a new layer
Click on Gradient Tool
Color – Black white Black
Blending mode – Screen
Type – Liner Click and drag
Filter >Artistic >Plastic wrap
Press Ctrl+U
Check on colorize H- 0 S- 50-60 L-0
Create a new layer
Press D
Filter >Render >Clouds
Filter >Stylize >Extrude
Size 25 Depth 150 level Random
Press Ctrl+U check on colorize and define your own settings
Extrude II:-
Create a new layer
Click on gradient
edit your gradient Black White - Type – Radial
Click and drag
Filter >Stylize >Extrude Type – Pyramids
Define its size and depth
Press Ctrl+U Check on colorize
Define your own settings
Emboss Effect:-
Open an image
Filter >Stylize >Emboss
Press Ctrl+U
Open an image
Make a perfect circular selection
Click and drag into the new document
Type the text (Rounded)
Merge the text and the image layer
Filter >Stylize Emboss
Press Ctrl+U
Check on colorize
H- 50 S- 50-60 L-0
Apply bevel and Emboss and drop shadow.
Photo copy Effect:-
Open an image Press D
Filter >Sketch >Photocopy
Note paper
Torn Edges etc
Map Type Design:-
Create a new layer
Press D
Filter >Render >Cloud
Filter >Sketch >Plaster
Press Ctrl+U
Check on Colorize
H-200 S-50-60 L-0
Fire Effect:-
Create a new layer
Press D
Filter >Render >Clouds
Filter >Render >Lightening Effect
Style – Flood light press ok
Duplicate it two times
Select the topmost layer
Press Ctrl+U check on colorize
H-0 S-70 L- 0 Press ok
Blending mod – overlay
Select middle layer
Press Ctrl+U Check on colorize on H-50 S-70 L-0
OK blending mode –overlay
Ice land:-
Create a new layer
Press D
Filter >render >different clouds
Filter>Sketch >Chrome
Filter>Render >Lens flare
Bright ness -100 %
Lens type -105mm prime
Filter >Distort >Polar co ordinate
option - Check on Polar to rectangle
Filter >Stylize >Wind
Press Ctrl+F 2-3 Times
Ctrl+U Check on colorize on
H – 210 S- 50 L – 0
Use X Type brush foreground color white
Click at the required place for shine.
Waving Flag:-
Create a new document
Fill Gradient color Black white
Save it (Gradient Psd)
Create a new Document
Design a flag
Filter >Distort >Displaced ok
select the Gradient Psd file
Press Ctrl+F
Press Ctrl and click on flag layer (to select it )
Create a new layer
Fill same Gradient color
Blending mode –Multiply Opacity 50 %
To load texture:-
Design something in black and white
eg text - save it text Psd
Open an image
Filter >distort >Glass
Texture -- Load texture select you file
Filter >Distort >Displace ok
Select your Psd file
Filter >Texture >Texturizer
Select you Psd file
Creating a new brush:-
Create a new document New layer
Design a brush shape
Edit >Define Brush
Type Brush name
Click on ok
To create image as a brush:-
Open an image
Make a selection
Edit > Define Brush
Type the Brush name
Dynamic Brush:-
Select the required Brush
Window >Brushes
Check on Shape Dynamic :- It adjust Tip ,Shape Variations
Check on Scattering:- It adjust Brush Scattering
Check on Texture:- It adjust Texture option (Select the required Pattern)
Check on Dual Brush :- It adjust dual brush shape (It adjust new brush in side the brush)
Check on Color Dynamic:- It adjust Color Variation
Check on Other Dynamic:- It adjust Opacity and flow Variation.
Creating a Grass Brush:-
Create a new document New layer
Design a grass Shape Object
Edit >Define Brush
Type the Brush Name
Click on Brush tool
Select the grass brush
Window >Brushes
Check on Shape Dynamic
Size Jitter -100%
Angle Jitter 0%
Check on Color Dynamic Foreground /Background Jitter 100%
Check on H.S.B Jitter:-
(Hue, Saturation Brightness 0%)
Click on Create New Brush in Brush Palette
Type a brush name Press ok
Define Foreground color green and Background color Light green
Start painting.
Action command let you to record your work
Window >Action
To create a new action (Changing image size)
Open an image
Click on Create new set from layer palette
Type a set name
Click on ok
Click on Create new action
Type action name –eg image size
Select your required set
Select function key (F2 check on control) =Ctrl +F2 press ok
Click on record button
Image >image size eg 230/240 pixel
Click on ok
Click on stop button (in action palette )
To apply action
Open an image e.g. number of image = 5
Select one image
Click on play button or use shortcut key (Ctrl+F2)
To load more Action:-
Click on
From the action palette
Select the command
Click on Play Button from the Action Palette.
Batch Processing:-
Create a new action eg image size
Open Multiple images
File >Automate >Batch
Select the required Set and Action eg Image size.
Folder – Select Image Folder
Check on opened File – Apply to opened files in Photoshop
This Command Apply the Selected action to open an images or Selected Folder)
Extract command:-
Open an image
Filter >Extract (Ctrl+Alt+X)
Appears Extract window
Click on the edge highlighter tool (B) (It makes the edges of the area you retain)
Check on smart highlight tool
While dragging a well define edges highlight the edge according to it's shape (close)
Click on fill tool (G) It fills the area you want to retain)
Click inside the closed area.
Click on preview button.
Click on Cleanup tool (It makes the mask transparent)
Press alt key and drag to make opaque
Click on Edge Touchup tool (T) (It cleans the edges ,Press Ctrl to move the edges)
Click on ok
Use history brush tool to correct the mistake.
Note: - This process is used for the complex selection.
Web Photo Gallery:-
This command is used to create a photo Gallery for web page
File >automate >web photo Gallery
Select the sit style
Click on Browse button
Select image folder
Click on destination button
Select blank folder
Define other setting.
Note :-[ Some of the option may not apply to this style ]
Click on ok
To open Photo Gallery. Open your folder (Destination folder)